Sad little men and their perverted need for a boogeyman. And to think, they call other people anti-American....
Thursday, December 30, 2010
A Cleveland Community Hero of 2010
On Nov. 7, 2009, four people were killed in a fire at a boarding house on West 32nd Street. Neighbors credited Ray Vivier with alerting his fellow tenants, enabling five to escape, before he fell victim to the blaze and later died. Investigators determined the fire was caused by arson and three Cleveland men were subsequently charged and convicted in connection with it.
Haraz Ghanbari heard about Vivier's death from Ernie Fesco, Ghanbari's best friend from their days at Kent State University. Fesco and his wife, Jody, had befriended Vivier while volunteering at a local soup kitchen, and invited him to their wedding.Link
Ghanbari, 29, briefly met Vivier at the wedding and discovered that the 61-year-old had been a Marine. "We kind of hit it off," recalled Ghanbari, formerly of Bay Village.
Ghanbari, a former sergeant in the Ohio Army National Guard and currently a Navy Reserve ensign, decided he wasn't going to let that happen.
"I just felt it was important to honor Ray, number one for his service to our country, and his heroic act of going back into a burning house to try to save his friends," Ghanbari recently said. "I lost a lot of sleep thinking there has got to be something I could do for this guy."
So he did.
For the next two months Ghanbari tracked down members of Vivier's family living in other states, obtained the man's military service records, got the family's permission for cremation and arranged the details, set up a funeral and burial with full military honors for Vivier at Arlington National Cemetery, asked Cleveland police to keep the family posted about the arson investigation, was able to get a last-minute flight for one of Vivier's five children in Arizona so he could attend the funeral and finally . . .
On Jan. 22, formally presented Vivier's memorial U.S. flag to his daughter during ceremonies at Arlington in what he would later describe as "one of the most exhausting, emotional and rewarding days of my life."
Fallen Warriors
Spinning Wheels and Tilting Windmills
I've been contributing to some other venues on this topic, so I thought I would add some paraphrased thoughts from that, here as well.
The WE [ISAF] are HERE [Afghanistan] and THEY [Al Qaeda] are THERE [not Afghanistan] aspect is absolutely essential in this conflict. If we are not allowed to pervasively enter Pakistan to engage Al Qaeda where they reside [at least in that region], then we are spinning our wheels in Afghanistan. Kinetically engaging transnational terror groups is akin to whack-a-mole as it is...if we consistently fail to even try to whack, then the entire process is an exercise in futility.
I desire as much if not more than the average person to engage and avenge Al Qaeda for the acts of 9/11. But reality has to trump vague idealism. We have to acknowledge that our actions both kinetic and non-kinetic, have distinct probabilities of creating more supporters of the Afghan insurgency, if not insurgents themselves. We have to realistically weigh the tangible threat posed by the various Taliban-esque [Quetta, Haqqani, HiG] groups with the desire to eliminate the entity that attacked us, meaning Al Qaeda. The media and two Administrations have diluted the discourse down to the point where the average American believes we're really taking it to the terrorists, when in fact we are mired fighting a sub-regional Islamic coalition that by and large merely wants their country back. Now, those Taliban elements are an anathema to our culture, but it appears to be a foregone conclusion by this point that we will be forced to either simply negotiate with them for a cessation of hostilities, or welcome them into a coalition government in Kabul. The ideological premise of merely withdrawing "without finishing the job" or some other such bumper sticker phrase, pales in comparison to again aligning with the people who were trying to kill you the previous day. [I say again, as we instituted the same paradigm in Iraq with the 1920 Brigade and other Sunni militia's].
Al Qaeda members have been targeted within the confines of Afghanistan over the last few years, but the number and scale of individual conflicts pales with those involving Taliban forces. Additionally, more Al Qaeda operatives have been engaged within Pakistan using cross-border deniable operations. But the number of AQ who have realistically been captured or [mostly] killed are not in any form of math, equal to the effort, resources and most importantly, lives that have been lost occupying Afghanistan. It's no stretch to state that the occupation, nor many of the tenets of a successful COIN campaign are not going so well.....after 10 years.
The WE [ISAF] are HERE [Afghanistan] and THEY [Al Qaeda] are THERE [not Afghanistan] aspect is absolutely essential in this conflict. If we are not allowed to pervasively enter Pakistan to engage Al Qaeda where they reside [at least in that region], then we are spinning our wheels in Afghanistan. Kinetically engaging transnational terror groups is akin to whack-a-mole as it is...if we consistently fail to even try to whack, then the entire process is an exercise in futility.
I desire as much if not more than the average person to engage and avenge Al Qaeda for the acts of 9/11. But reality has to trump vague idealism. We have to acknowledge that our actions both kinetic and non-kinetic, have distinct probabilities of creating more supporters of the Afghan insurgency, if not insurgents themselves. We have to realistically weigh the tangible threat posed by the various Taliban-esque [Quetta, Haqqani, HiG] groups with the desire to eliminate the entity that attacked us, meaning Al Qaeda. The media and two Administrations have diluted the discourse down to the point where the average American believes we're really taking it to the terrorists, when in fact we are mired fighting a sub-regional Islamic coalition that by and large merely wants their country back. Now, those Taliban elements are an anathema to our culture, but it appears to be a foregone conclusion by this point that we will be forced to either simply negotiate with them for a cessation of hostilities, or welcome them into a coalition government in Kabul. The ideological premise of merely withdrawing "without finishing the job" or some other such bumper sticker phrase, pales in comparison to again aligning with the people who were trying to kill you the previous day. [I say again, as we instituted the same paradigm in Iraq with the 1920 Brigade and other Sunni militia's].
Al Qaeda members have been targeted within the confines of Afghanistan over the last few years, but the number and scale of individual conflicts pales with those involving Taliban forces. Additionally, more Al Qaeda operatives have been engaged within Pakistan using cross-border deniable operations. But the number of AQ who have realistically been captured or [mostly] killed are not in any form of math, equal to the effort, resources and most importantly, lives that have been lost occupying Afghanistan. It's no stretch to state that the occupation, nor many of the tenets of a successful COIN campaign are not going so well.....after 10 years.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
What causes Homosexuality?
Part of a rather lengthy discussion I'm having regarding the repeal of DADT over at Lightfighter has shifted to the cause of Homosexuality...specifically is one born that way, or is it s a choice?
A far more learned member than myself stated:
A far more learned member than myself stated:
Ask a closeted gay teenager if they're terrified of coming out of the closet at high school, and if their decision to find the same sex attractive is a conscious decision.My layman's corollary to that:
2. Look at an assortment of gay females and sometimes you can see a definite difference in physical appearance, bone structure, and body type from their peers.
As a straight scientist, I firmly believe that there is a genetic biological component to homosexuality and we just haven't mapped it out yet.
Homosexuality is far more than the sexual act. Just as is heterosexuality. It is the chemical/emotional attraction to the specific gender.What do you think...and why?
The very definition of choice implies that one could feasibly go in either direction. In other words, those here who state unequivocally that it is a choice, must then posit [to be logically consistent] that they at a certain age decided that they would be more attracted to women than men. Being a choice, they can then decide to be chemically and emotionally attracted to men at any other time in their life.
I don't know about anyone else, but I've always been emotionally and physically attracted to women. There was never a choice in the matter for me.
Civil Liberties,
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Not all who inspire are in the spotlight........Go Ducks!
A highly recruited player who spurned Utah and Boise State for Oregon, Costa epitomized a team leader: admired for his achievements, an inspiration for his hard work, embraced by a community he helped cultivate.Read the rest
Five years later, with the Ducks football team riding into the BCS Championship game against Auburn on Jan.10, Costa has become a tragic figure. Not one, not two, but three knee injuries have conspired to nearly erase his college career -- one striking just a month ago, with Oregon heading for its first 12-0 season.
But something remarkable happened as Costa absorbed blow after blow. He kept attending practices and meetings. He lifted and rehabbed. He mentored younger teammates.
As Costa endured one of the most star-crossed careers in program history, others admired his achievement, found inspiration in his hard work and embraced his community spirit. The ripples of his courage are still spreading.
And before the Ducks' Nov. 26 game against Arizona, as Oregon prepared to honor its senior players, Costa stood with crutches next to his parents in the tunnel of Autzen Stadium.
Costa's name was announced and the three strode into a crush of cheers and hugs from coach Chip Kelly and Gary Campbell, the assistant who recruited Costa. Former Oregon star Joey Harrington, tears in his eyes, embraced Costa as fans roared. Shawn was awestruck by the joyous noise for the onetime high school star who had started one college game.
"I knew that they loved him and that they supported him, but I had no idea to that extent," she said. "It was beautiful."
Costa's story is not a tragedy after all. It is a triumph. His goal was to contribute to the football program and help the team win, and he has. He has come to see overcoming misfortune as his fate, something not measurable on a stat sheet but just as meaningful and enduring.
"Just the other day, I was walking to Albertson's and wasn't even in the door yet when this woman pulls up in her car and says, 'Hey, you're Nate,'" Costa recalled. "I was like, 'Yeah.' And she told me about how I'm such an inspiration to her son, Thank you for being such a good role model.
"And that's the stuff that... all this stuff that I went through, all the injuries, every weight that I've lifted, every lap that I've run, it's all worth it."
Oregon Football
Monday, December 27, 2010
Interesting stuff....
Just looking through the family tree that my Uncle Bob and Cousin Mike have been diligently updating, and realized that my Great-Grandfather had lived in Deadwood for 5 years.....yes...that Deadwood!
Friday, December 24, 2010
A great column by "Hooligan Libertarian"
As a libertarian, I’m accustomed to being misunderstood. It goes with the territory. So many times commenters think they are being clever and have caught an error in libertarianism, only to reveal they didn’t read or hear what was being said.Link
Case in point: a while ago, in a comment posted to an article in the Clovis News Journal about the election day failure of the bond issues for the local punishment industry, I observed that the justice system would be much cheaper and better if counterfeit laws were not being enforced. Those are the “laws” that have no specific, individual victims; are expressions of self-ownership; or are consensual acts between responsible individuals that are no one’s business except those involved.
Drug use, gun possession, most traffic laws, prostitution and things of this nature should never have been made into things the state seeks to regulate, prohibit or control. Things that are actually wrong, such as theft or fraud, rape, kidnapping, assault and murder would still be subject to punishment or, better yet, restitution.
No one has a right to control your private life unless you violate the identical rights of others by infringing on their life or property.
However, if your drug use, your religious beliefs, your job or anything else is used as an excuse for committing harmful acts such as theft or assault, you are liable for the harm you caused and your rationale is meaningless. Wrong is wrong.
One reply to my comment sarcastically stated something to the effect that of course the crime rate would go down if assault and robbery were made legal. That the commenter completely missed my entire point was obvious. This is a source of frustration, not those people who read and understand, yet disagree. They may be wrong, in my opinion, but their wrongness is at least based upon their principles and value system, which I think are flawed and inconsistent.
The intellectual irrelevance and damaging effect of political parties
Academically, I don't believe parties to be necessary whatsoever. But I realize that it's easier; it's lazy and it's ultimately become the American way to rely not on the specific positions of a candidate or your own views as a voter, but on the party you support. Politics has increasingly morphed into less about ideas and more about ideological warfare. Politicians and voters alike with the frequency of drawing breath, will undermine and intellectually circumvent their own solid position on an issue, merely to prevent the other party from reaping a reward. We see the damage done across the spectrum in the media and the punditocracy; whatever the issue, one resorts to using a political or ideological label as a pejorative and/or invective.
The two major parties spend more time, money and effort on gaining or maintaining power in Washington [or their respective state capitols] than they exert moving the nation forward.They uniformly exert that effort on entities other than the American citizen in pursuit of that political power. In short, political parties are far more damaging to the sense of the Republic than they are beneficial. I understand how they emerged and why they are the overwhelming force in politics......people are by and large lazy and intellectually un-evolved. The draw of group think/herd mentality, the desire to belong to something larger than oneself and the need to have a 'them' intrudes on all facets of life where there is conflict. It's too difficult and time consuming for most Americans to research a pool of candidates and decide which is the best to represent their views. It's far easier to look at the label. Of course, the way the system has been organized, most voters realistically have only the choice between candidate R and candidate D, so they become even further intellectually bankrupt.
Is there a solution? Perhaps. At the very least, reform the electoral system and the media landscape to allow participation of more political parties. This may appear to be contradictory to some, but the infusion of idea's beyond what Party R and Party D espouse will at the minimum expose choices to the voter and dilution of the party hegemony. Parties won't go away, they've become part of human nature, but the damaging effect can be mitigated somewhat.
The two major parties spend more time, money and effort on gaining or maintaining power in Washington [or their respective state capitols] than they exert moving the nation forward.They uniformly exert that effort on entities other than the American citizen in pursuit of that political power. In short, political parties are far more damaging to the sense of the Republic than they are beneficial. I understand how they emerged and why they are the overwhelming force in politics......people are by and large lazy and intellectually un-evolved. The draw of group think/herd mentality, the desire to belong to something larger than oneself and the need to have a 'them' intrudes on all facets of life where there is conflict. It's too difficult and time consuming for most Americans to research a pool of candidates and decide which is the best to represent their views. It's far easier to look at the label. Of course, the way the system has been organized, most voters realistically have only the choice between candidate R and candidate D, so they become even further intellectually bankrupt.
Is there a solution? Perhaps. At the very least, reform the electoral system and the media landscape to allow participation of more political parties. This may appear to be contradictory to some, but the infusion of idea's beyond what Party R and Party D espouse will at the minimum expose choices to the voter and dilution of the party hegemony. Parties won't go away, they've become part of human nature, but the damaging effect can be mitigated somewhat.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Phrase of the Day
From my not-so-recent past, when I fell out of semi-mechanically sound airplanes.
LGOP: Little Group of Paratroopers.
A small group of "peeved-off American paratroopers" who are well trained, armed to the teeth, and lack serious supervision. They collectively remember the commander's intent as, "March to the sound of guns, and kill anyone who isn't dressed like you ..."
LGOP: Little Group of Paratroopers.
A small group of "peeved-off American paratroopers" who are well trained, armed to the teeth, and lack serious supervision. They collectively remember the commander's intent as, "March to the sound of guns, and kill anyone who isn't dressed like you ..."
My assessment on Afghanistan recieves some serious agreement
I've long said that any success in Afghanistan hinged on the relationship between India and Pakistan [no seriously....look through the archives!] Not that I believe we should be expending blood and treasure fighting the Taliban. I'm an odd sort of patriot in that I think we should be taking the fight and faceshooting the people who actually attacked us, and are a threat to our national security.
Fred Kaplan comments on the recent White House report on the 'progress' in Afghanistan:
Fred Kaplan comments on the recent White House report on the 'progress' in Afghanistan:
The Obama administration's long-awaited review of its Afghanistan war strategy—or at least the unclassified five-page summary of it released Thursday—is a bleaker document than it may seem at first glance.Slate
On the one hand, it contains much talk of "significant progress" and "notable" gains in U.S. and NATO military operations. On the other hand, there's at least as much mention of the remaining "challenges" and the fact that even the gains are "fragile and reversible."
However, the fact remains, at least for the moment, that the Pakistani political and military leaders are not likely to change much more on this front, for the simple reason that they view India—not the Taliban—as the main threat to their existence.
This has two implications for the war in Afghanistan. First, the Pakistani army will insist on keeping the bulk of its troops on the eastern border with India at the expense of dealing with the Taliban safe havens on the western border with Afghanistan.
Second, the Pakistanis want—in their eyes, they need—to maintain influence inside Afghanistan, as a way to counter India's quite active attempt to gain influence inside Afghanistan (which India is pursuing mainly as a way to encircle Pakistan). And the way that Pakistan maintains this influence is through certain factions of the Taliban.
Earlier this year, Dexter Filkins reported in the New York Times that Pakistan had arrested more than 20 Taliban leaders who were in the process of negotiating peace deals with the Afghan government because they were doing so without involving Pakistan.
In short, U.S. officials may have lectured Pakistanis about the links between the Afghan Taliban and the al-Qaida militants who threaten Pakistan's government. But the Pakistanis see the two as distinct—and, in fact, regard some of the Afghan-based Taliban as their allies or even agents.
Thank Gawd we have Fox News!
If you're a Republican........
"Fair and Balanced" my ass. The best propaganda outlet political money can buy.
h/t Joe.My.God
"Fair and Balanced" my ass. The best propaganda outlet political money can buy.
h/t Joe.My.God
John McCain supports Veterans........
In 2008, a young sergeant named Coleman S. Bean took his life. After completing his first tour of duty in Iraq, he had come home and been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Nevertheless, he was deployed to Iraq a second time. Bean had sought treatment for PTSD but as a member of the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR), he found fewer resources available to him than to veterans and active-duty members.
In April, Rep. Rush Holt (D-N.J.) introduced legislation named after the late soldier meant to provide more resources for suicide prevention to Reserve members. The House in May incorporated it into the National Defense Authorization Act for 2011, but it was stripped from the final version, and Holt is pointing the finger at the lead Republican negotiator on the Senate legislation, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.).HuffPo
"Twice now, the Senate has stripped this legislation from our defense bill," Holt told The Huffington Post Tuesday. "It's hard to understand why. I know for a fact, because he told me, that Sen. McCain doesn't support it. Whether he's the only one, I don't know. But there was no effort to try to improve the language or negotiate changes; it was just rejected, and I think that is not only bad policy, but it's cruel. It's cruel to the families that are struggling with catastrophic mental health problems."
"He [McCain] said having these counselors check in with the Reservists every few months this way overreaching," continued Holt, relaying a phone conversation he had had with the senator. "I asked him in what sense it was overreaching. Surely he didn't think there wasn't a problem, did he? I must say I don't understand it."
Dissent is Criminal?
The FBI on Tuesday added four more names to the list of antiwar activists subpoenaed to testify before a grand jury as part of an investigation into whether members of the peace movement provided "material support" for terrorism.Link
In all, 23 people have been subpoenaed since September 24, when the FBI raided the offices and homes of prominent activists in Chicago and Minneapolis. None has been charged with a crime. Several have also refused to testify in what they say is a witch hunt aimed more at intimidating those who dare speak out against U.S. foreign policy than uncovering actual ties to terrorists. And they're probably right.
Thanks to a Supreme Court ruling this past June, the definition of "material support" for terrorism is now so broad as to include any sort of "advice" to a State Department-designated terrorist group, even if that advice is "stop engaging in terrorism and embrace nonviolence." Former President Jimmy Carter and groups such as the ACLU and Human Rights Watch have spoken out against the ruling.
Because the definition is so broad, though, it provides the perfect legal basis for the government to go after those opposed to its policies abroad. And as the Bush administration ably demonstrated, there are plenty of people in government who would be all too happy to equate opposition to the U.S. wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen - just to name a few - as de facto support for terrorism.
Looks like some prominent Republicans just violated the SCOTUS ruling:
A group of prominent U.S. Republicans associated with homeland security told a forum of cheering Iranian exiles here Wednesday that President Obama's policy toward Iran amounts to futile appeasement that will never persuade Tehran to abandon its nuclear projects.WaPo
The Americans - former New York mayor Rudolph Giuliani, former secretary of homeland security Tom Ridge, former White House homeland security adviser Frances Fragos Townsend and former attorney general Michael Mukasey - demanded that Obama instead take the controversial Mujaheddin-e Khalq (MEK) opposition group off the U.S. list of foreign terrorist organizations and incorporate it into efforts to overturn the mullah-led government in Tehran.
In a case that weighed free speech against national security, the court voted 6 to 3 to uphold a federal law banning “material support” to foreign terrorist organizations. That ban holds, the court said, even when the offerings are not money or weapons but things such as “expert advice or assistance” or “training” intended to instruct in international law or appeals to the United Nations.WaPo
BBC skit on 'Electronic Fruit'!
Very appropriate today given that my Blackberry likes to freeze up.
Final thoughts on DADT
....well probably not...but this sums up what opponents have never focused on, to their shame.
Military members can have their immediate family visit them at Walter Reed and Bethesda after being maimed in theater; military members can have the support of their spouse, and bring them to unit functions and Family Readiness Group meeting; military members can openly date in attempts to find the person they want to spend the rest of their life with in a committed, loving relationship.
Only if they're straight.
Real patriots don't deny these rights and privileges to their fellow American citizens based on the chemical attraction between consenting adults. Real patriots sack up and act like men and women.....instead of children.
Military members can have their immediate family visit them at Walter Reed and Bethesda after being maimed in theater; military members can have the support of their spouse, and bring them to unit functions and Family Readiness Group meeting; military members can openly date in attempts to find the person they want to spend the rest of their life with in a committed, loving relationship.
Only if they're straight.
Real patriots don't deny these rights and privileges to their fellow American citizens based on the chemical attraction between consenting adults. Real patriots sack up and act like men and women.....instead of children.
Civil Liberties,
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Because everybody's supposed to be a Christian......right? Part II
Wow....."Don't like religion in the workplace....convert to Catholicism!" Very Christian of Bill Donohue.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Philanthropy for Vets with TBI
To see what cognitive therapy looked like, ProPublica and NPR spent several days with McKinney and fellow soldiers and veterans at Project Share, a charity to help brain-damaged soldiers. The program is based out of the Shepherd Center for Brain and Spinal Cord Injury in Atlanta, a nationally recognized hospital for head injuries.Link
Former Home Depot magnate and philanthropist Bernie Marcus founded Project Share in January 2008 to fill the gaps left by Tricare and military and veterans hospitals, which often lack the expertise and staffing to provide a full-scale program of cognitive rehabilitation therapy.
Cognitive rehabilitation is "very time consuming. It's not an easy deal," said Marcus. "Isn't this worthwhile? Isn't this something we should all be concerned about? Whatever it takes is what we should give them."
You've come a lomg way Oregon.....
Of the 26 teams to play in the Bowl Championship Series title game since the contest began in 1998, most are classic college football behemoths.
All but two -- Virginia Tech and Oregon -- had won a previous national title.
Almost all built their teams with a majority of in-state players; the Oregon Ducks have just 26 from Oregon and one in the starting lineup.
All but Oregon have stadiums that hold at least 66,000 fans -- some more than 100,000.
In short, Oregon is the outlier in the landscape of college football contenders.
And yet here are the Ducks, preparing to play Auburn on Jan. 10. Using ingenuity, continuity and a huge cash infusion from Nike co-founder Phil Knight, Oregon has shown what it takes for those without a championship history, massive fan base or large pool of local talent to reach the title game.
Superior players and coaching are givens when it comes to crafting a national championship season. But outside factors can weigh heavily in building a program capable of reaching the title game. They don't automatically make a contender, but it's much rarer to contend without them.
All but two -- Virginia Tech and Oregon -- had won a previous national title.
Almost all built their teams with a majority of in-state players; the Oregon Ducks have just 26 from Oregon and one in the starting lineup.
All but Oregon have stadiums that hold at least 66,000 fans -- some more than 100,000.
In short, Oregon is the outlier in the landscape of college football contenders.
And yet here are the Ducks, preparing to play Auburn on Jan. 10. Using ingenuity, continuity and a huge cash infusion from Nike co-founder Phil Knight, Oregon has shown what it takes for those without a championship history, massive fan base or large pool of local talent to reach the title game.
Superior players and coaching are givens when it comes to crafting a national championship season. But outside factors can weigh heavily in building a program capable of reaching the title game. They don't automatically make a contender, but it's much rarer to contend without them.
Oregon Football
What's wrong with this picture?
Already covered well by my friends on Lightfghter.....can you spot the logical disparity in this picture?
I'll help you out.......
![]() |
Showing her Georgia Power bills in the one warm room of her home, Raymeica Kelly explains how her mother, sister and herself were turned away from the Energy Assistance Program on Wednesday morning after standing in line for four hours. All three complained that the system the Macon-Bibb County Economic Opportunity Council uses to give out the assistance needs improving. Read more: |
Sunday, December 19, 2010
DADT and the fallacies that surround it
Bottom line up front, I know that there will likely be some growing pains and serious incidents involving the repeal of DADT and the ability for gays to serve openly in our military. But unless the faith in this nation is waning, and we're not really that exceptional after all....we can look to other western, industrialized nations who have gone through this and survived quite well. It is the right thing to do.
Anyone who professes a belief in the sovereignty of the individual has to support equal rights for homosexuals or they are a hypocrite. The conservative value of supremacy of the individual over that of the collective cannot be subject only to a protected class, or we're not talking about a Republic anymore. If a basis of discrimination is founded on a biblical belief, fine. The deep personal relationship between you and whatever you think created you is just that. It's not a basis for governing over your fellow citizens unless it also has secular value. Discrimination in this case does not meet that test. Feel like quoting Leviticus? I'll come right back at you with a bushel full of other excerpts from the bible that haven't found their way into law for some very evident reasons. So if you profess your faith in a 2000 yr old tome, as the word of god....don't be picking and choosing only those tenets that you want to live with.
Whenever a debate is had between myself [or other supports of individual rights] and fierce opponents of gay marriage, DADT, gays in general, etc...the opposition argument always centers on the sexual act. They do this in an attempt to elicit an emotional response towards the conditioning that we've all grown up laboring under. The meme is that two guys together sexually is...icky. Well the mental image doesn't exactly get my motor running, but I note my own hypocrisy where it pertains to two women in a similar situation. And by looking at sales of pornography....I'm hardly alone.
The debate from the oppositions side never addresses the fact that gay men and women are chemically and biologically attracted to another consenting adult It merely happens to be of the same sex. The idea of dating to find the right person to spend the rest of your life with in a committed relationship seems to be lost on these opponents. Admittedly, many spectacles of Pride Parades and such haven't helped their image, but these are a minority, no matter how often the Allegedly Liberal Media replays them.
In the military specifically, DADT ran counter to the core values that the military espouses. The focus of repeal is centered on hypotheses of increased casualties, plummeting morale and incidents of violence. What is almost never inserted is the fact that all of the above would be instigated by straight soldiers. So opponents would have you believe that the military would suffer [even herald the end of our nation if you listen to some prominent religious homophobes], but the fact that the immaturity, bigotry and sedition of straight soldiers at the core of all of these hypotheses are conveniently left out. Sort of like the battered women syndrome....sure I beat her...but she was asking for it, she didn't know her place.
I debate this quite often on a few MIL/LEO discussion forums, and though there are few voices of reason, the general meme is what I laid out above. Few are armed with logic or reason, but emotion abounds.
Anyone who professes a belief in the sovereignty of the individual has to support equal rights for homosexuals or they are a hypocrite. The conservative value of supremacy of the individual over that of the collective cannot be subject only to a protected class, or we're not talking about a Republic anymore. If a basis of discrimination is founded on a biblical belief, fine. The deep personal relationship between you and whatever you think created you is just that. It's not a basis for governing over your fellow citizens unless it also has secular value. Discrimination in this case does not meet that test. Feel like quoting Leviticus? I'll come right back at you with a bushel full of other excerpts from the bible that haven't found their way into law for some very evident reasons. So if you profess your faith in a 2000 yr old tome, as the word of god....don't be picking and choosing only those tenets that you want to live with.
Whenever a debate is had between myself [or other supports of individual rights] and fierce opponents of gay marriage, DADT, gays in general, etc...the opposition argument always centers on the sexual act. They do this in an attempt to elicit an emotional response towards the conditioning that we've all grown up laboring under. The meme is that two guys together sexually is...icky. Well the mental image doesn't exactly get my motor running, but I note my own hypocrisy where it pertains to two women in a similar situation. And by looking at sales of pornography....I'm hardly alone.
The debate from the oppositions side never addresses the fact that gay men and women are chemically and biologically attracted to another consenting adult It merely happens to be of the same sex. The idea of dating to find the right person to spend the rest of your life with in a committed relationship seems to be lost on these opponents. Admittedly, many spectacles of Pride Parades and such haven't helped their image, but these are a minority, no matter how often the Allegedly Liberal Media replays them.
In the military specifically, DADT ran counter to the core values that the military espouses. The focus of repeal is centered on hypotheses of increased casualties, plummeting morale and incidents of violence. What is almost never inserted is the fact that all of the above would be instigated by straight soldiers. So opponents would have you believe that the military would suffer [even herald the end of our nation if you listen to some prominent religious homophobes], but the fact that the immaturity, bigotry and sedition of straight soldiers at the core of all of these hypotheses are conveniently left out. Sort of like the battered women syndrome....sure I beat her...but she was asking for it, she didn't know her place.
I debate this quite often on a few MIL/LEO discussion forums, and though there are few voices of reason, the general meme is what I laid out above. Few are armed with logic or reason, but emotion abounds.
Civil Liberties,
Saturday, December 18, 2010
DADT is finally repealed.......And the Bigots speak.......
"The armies of other nations have allowed gays to serve openly in the military. The reason they could afford to do this is simple: they could allow homosexuals to serve in their military because we didn’t allow them to serve in ours. They knew they could count on the strength, might, power, and cohesion of the U.S. military to intervene whenever and wherever necessary to pull their fannies out of the fire and squash the forces of tyranny wherever they raised their ugly heads around the world.Link
"Those days are now gone. We will no longer be able to bail out these other emasculated armies because ours will now be feminized and neutered beyond repair, and there is no one left to bail us out. We have been permanently weakened as a military and as a nation by these misguided and treasonous Republican senators, and the world is now a more dangerous place for us all." - American Family Association hate group radio host Byran Fischer.
"Today is a tragic day for our armed forces. The American military exists for only one purpose - to fight and win wars. Yet it has now been hijacked and turned into a tool for imposing on the country a radical social agenda. This may advance the cause of reshaping social attitudes regarding human sexuality, but it will only do harm to the military's ability to fulfill its mission.Link
"It is shameful that the Democratic leadership, aided by Republican Senators, has forced through such a radical change in a lame-duck session of Congress. The 1993 law which is to be repealed was adopted only after months of debate and at least a dozen Congressional hearings. The repeal has been forced through only eighteen days after the Pentagon released a massive report, which raised more questions than it answered on the impact the overturning of this policy will have on our nation's military." - Family Research Council head douchenozzle Tony Perkins, riding in the DADT waambulance.
Civil Liberties,
Because everybody's supposed to be a Christian......right?
I'll be here waiting for anyone to explain to me how a lack of proselytizing affects ones deep, personal relationship with what they believe to be their creator. Seriously....are there merit badges for fighting for prayer in public school, nativity scenes on public grounds or a store chain saying Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays?
Except for prayer in school, I really don't give a dam about the rest, I merely find it odd that some people feel persecuted when their majority religion isn't held up as the patriotic path in life for all Americans. At least they always have the Baby Jesus Fan Club in Fox &Clowns Friends:
Except for prayer in school, I really don't give a dam about the rest, I merely find it odd that some people feel persecuted when their majority religion isn't held up as the patriotic path in life for all Americans. At least they always have the Baby Jesus Fan Club in Fox &
Friday, December 17, 2010
Hope and Change......or still Hoping for Change?
In a series of debates on Lawfare, Jack Goldsmith engages The New Republic's David Cole. My recommended reading for the week.
In late January 2009, the conventional wisdom was that Barack Obama had, as Dana Priest put it, “effectively declared an end to the ‘war on terror’ as President George W. Bush had defined it.” Very few at the time could have imagined that Obama would go on to commit himself to the war (as opposed to crime) framework; continue military detention without trial; continue military commissions; embrace the Bush administration conception of the state secrets doctrine, even in the very cases Bush asserted it; oppose the extension of habeas corpus beyond GTMO; dramatically expand targeted killing outside Iraq and Afghanistan, and include a U.S. citizen target; reaffirm the Bush administration legal standard on rendition; continue the same surveillance practices as Bush; oppose efforts to expand presidential notification duties to the intelligence committees; continue signing statements with Article II power carve-outs; and other Bush-mimicking practices.Professor Goldsmith served as Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel from 2003-2004, and Special Counsel to the Department of Defense from 2002-2003.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Silly Marines....Core values are for everybody!
"When your life hangs on the line," said Gen. James F. Amos, the commandant of the Marine Corps, "you don't want anything distracting. . . . Mistakes and inattention or distractions cost Marines' lives."USMC Commandant Gen. James F. Amos on repealing DADT.
The Washington Post's Jonathan Capehart takes it to the good General:
Look, I know the Marines consider themselves the bad-ass branch of the armed forces. But the obsession of Gen. James F. Amos, commandant of the Marine Corps, with the presumed negative impacts of allowing gay men and lesbians to serve openly in the military is getting out of hand. The Post's Craig Whitlock reports that Amos suggested that dropping don't ask don't tell could result in more casualties because their presence on the battlefield would pose "a distraction."
To listen to Amos, you'd think letting gay men and lesbians serve openly would turn his barracks into the set for the third season of RuPaul's Drag Race. Ridiculous, right? Marines who can't handle serving alongside someone who was closeted on Monday and then comes out on Tuesday are the one Amos should be worried about. They are the ones who will lack discipline. They are the ones who will wreck unit cohesion. They are the ones who will harm morale.
OMG! The End of America!!!!!!
To my friend who said that history would judge us poorly, I would submit if you would look thoroughly at history -- and I'm not saying it's cause and effect -- but when militaries throughout history of the greatest nations in the world have adopted the policy that "fine for homosexuality to be overt" -- you can keep it private and control your hormones fine, if you can't, that's fine too -- they're toward the end of their existence as a great nation.
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas)HuffPo
Damn Louie.....hyperventilate much? Notice how he didn't provide any substantiation for his little tirade....
In related news:
The Senate has at least 62 votes to repeal the military's Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy, Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) said Thursday morning. "I have to give Joe Lieberman credit. We were told, Steny Hoyer was told by the Senate leadership, and particularly by Senator Lieberman -- Senator Collins and I will give her credit too, she has been good on this from our standpoint -- that if we passed it as a separate bill that would help," Frank said on the Sirius XM Satellite Radio show "POTUS." "There are at least 62 senators -- more than the 60 that is needed under that outrageous filibuster rule, but at least we have even met that -- who are committed to repealing 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell.' It was tied up with other things and they said they couldn't do it until they got a tax bill worked out, until they got the spending bill. All the obstacles that people have said existed to a straight up-or-down vote have now been met. And unless there are some liars in the Senate, we are going to get this done."HuffPo
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Apperently, the halls of Congress are a battleground in the invented/fake/alleged 'war on Christmas'
“I hate to report all this to you,” Mr. Reid told reporters at a news conference at the Capitol, “but you know, there’s still Congress after Christmas. So if the Republicans think that they can stall and stall and stall that we take a break, we’re through, we’re not through. Congress ends on January 4th. So we’re going to continue working on this stuff until we get it done, or we have up-and-down votes and find that it can’t happen that way.”True statement......we're paying their salary to work, not to sit on their asses and drink eggnog for twleve days of Christmas. But wait....
Mr. Kyl added, “ It is impossible to do all of the things that the majority leader laid out without doing — frankly, without disrespecting the institution and without disrespecting one of the two holiest of holidays for Christians and the families of all of the Senate, not just the senators themselves but all of the staff.”Is your holiday [which is a made up date based on Pagan solstice rituals anyway] on the 25th or not? That's the only day I get off from work.....
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Leadership and how to honor it.
The pair, along with filmmaker Tim Gray and baseball great Curt Schilling, are trying to raise enough money to build a statue of their commanding officer, Major Dick Winters, at Utah Beach in Normandy. It was there that E Company, under Winters’ leadership, parachuted behind German lines and captured four big German guns above the beach, saving many lives.Link
The statue of Winters will be a tribute to leadership on D-Day.
Winters pulled off the attack with only about a dozen men, famously calling “Follow me!” as he led the assault. Winters, who lives now on a farm in Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, is in failing health.
“That attack was so good, it was, it’s taught today at West Point,” says Guarnere. Winters “deserves it [the statue]. I think he deserves something before he dies. I don’t think he’ll be here next year, I doubt it.”
If you’d like to donate to the statue project and accompanying documentary about Winters, you can go to this website:
Fallen Warriors,
I hear a lot of venting on how we should have/could have stopped this [here and in many other places]...but the question that still remains how?
Rep. King (R-NY) wants to label Wikileaks a Foreign Terrorist Organization. That sounds great at first glance, except an actual link with terrorism has to have been established for that to transpire.
An option might be to invoke the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA). This requires the President to declare a national emergency with respect to a foreign threat, and Treasury can take it from there.
FISA could come into play, but this is usually reserved for state entities, with exceptions for terrorism.
Wikileaks is a non-state foreign group not engaged in terrorism, so the legal recourse is murky. And as much as we have to maintain some level of secrecy, transparency is paramount for a democracy, so this event brings up an interesting academic discussion that otherwise wouldn't have taken place.
Rep. King (R-NY) wants to label Wikileaks a Foreign Terrorist Organization. That sounds great at first glance, except an actual link with terrorism has to have been established for that to transpire.
An option might be to invoke the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA). This requires the President to declare a national emergency with respect to a foreign threat, and Treasury can take it from there.
FISA could come into play, but this is usually reserved for state entities, with exceptions for terrorism.
Wikileaks is a non-state foreign group not engaged in terrorism, so the legal recourse is murky. And as much as we have to maintain some level of secrecy, transparency is paramount for a democracy, so this event brings up an interesting academic discussion that otherwise wouldn't have taken place.
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