The gun control cabal has attempted to stealthily morph
their branding from gun control…to gun safety. Yet for all their misguided [and
perfidious] efforts….they have been unsurprisingly focused solely on control….rather
than safety. They have long eschewed the Eddie Eagle Program, designed to teach
young children how to react to coming across a firearm [Stop, Don’t Touch, Run
Away, Tell a Grown-up]….not on its merits [which I would defy the gun control
camp to refute], but because of its genesis in the National Rifle Association.
Illustrating the intellectual immaturity of both their argument and their sock
puppets….the gun control camp cannot seem to proffer an argument without
invoking laughable memes and buzz phrases about the ‘eeeevil NRA’ or odd
homoerotic projections comparing firearms to the phallus. columnist Cameron Smith proposes something the Constitutional
rights camp has long endorsed; the implementation of firearm safety classes in
the public school system.
To be clear, there are a number of reasonable restrictions
that most gun owners accept. Minors shouldn't be able to buy firearms. Felons
shouldn't have them. Neither should people suffering from severe mental illness
that renders them a threat to themselves or others. In spite of gaps in
enforcement, many such laws are already in place.
Here's a novel idea. Instead of letting Grand Theft Auto
shape the next generation's attitude toward firearms, why not offer a thorough
safety and training class as an elective for seniors in high school?
Evil men and women will figure out firearms on their own,
without the benefit of wise counsel and instruction. We might want to make sure
that we extend a superior opportunity to law-abiding citizens interested in
self-defense and being able to engage firearms without being a danger to
Doing so would prevent immeasurable accidental gun deaths
and foster a respect for firearms rather than fear.
It's past time to take back control of our guns by focusing
on training, knowledge, and engagement rather than relegating firearms to a
place of fear used solely by the worst among us.
Our public schools have for many, many years….included all
manner of safety classes within their curriculum [fire, water, electrical;
weather, traffic, sports, etc, etc, etc]…….so why [if firearm accidents were
such a national travesty’ would the “gun safety” camp want to educate our children
to ward off these unfortunate events?
Because it goes to the strategy of demonization. The gun
control camp pursues a campaign of mis-education and ignorance. Modern ‘studies’
and polls are rife with alleged correlations on gun ownership, gun laws, gun ‘culture’,
etc……..but one paradigm we don’t see studied [by design], is the correlation of
years past, when kids grew up shooting, hunting and being educated on gun