Thursday, July 30, 2015

Actual 'Gun Safety'

The gun control cabal has attempted to stealthily morph their branding from gun control…to gun safety. Yet for all their misguided [and perfidious] efforts….they have been unsurprisingly focused solely on control….rather than safety. They have long eschewed the Eddie Eagle Program, designed to teach young children how to react to coming across a firearm [Stop, Don’t Touch, Run Away, Tell a Grown-up]….not on its merits [which I would defy the gun control camp to refute], but because of its genesis in the National Rifle Association. Illustrating the intellectual immaturity of both their argument and their sock puppets….the gun control camp cannot seem to proffer an argument without invoking laughable memes and buzz phrases about the ‘eeeevil NRA’ or odd homoerotic projections comparing firearms to the phallus. columnist Cameron Smith proposes something the Constitutional rights camp has long endorsed; the implementation of firearm safety classes in the public school system.

To be clear, there are a number of reasonable restrictions that most gun owners accept. Minors shouldn't be able to buy firearms. Felons shouldn't have them. Neither should people suffering from severe mental illness that renders them a threat to themselves or others. In spite of gaps in enforcement, many such laws are already in place.

Here's a novel idea. Instead of letting Grand Theft Auto shape the next generation's attitude toward firearms, why not offer a thorough safety and training class as an elective for seniors in high school?

Evil men and women will figure out firearms on their own, without the benefit of wise counsel and instruction. We might want to make sure that we extend a superior opportunity to law-abiding citizens interested in self-defense and being able to engage firearms without being a danger to others.

Doing so would prevent immeasurable accidental gun deaths and foster a respect for firearms rather than fear.

It's past time to take back control of our guns by focusing on training, knowledge, and engagement rather than relegating firearms to a place of fear used solely by the worst among us. 

Our public schools have for many, many years….included all manner of safety classes within their curriculum [fire, water, electrical; weather, traffic, sports, etc, etc, etc]…….so why [if firearm accidents were such a national travesty’ would the “gun safety” camp want to educate our children to ward off these unfortunate events?

Because it goes to the strategy of demonization. The gun control camp pursues a campaign of mis-education and ignorance. Modern ‘studies’ and polls are rife with alleged correlations on gun ownership, gun laws, gun ‘culture’, etc……..but one paradigm we don’t see studied [by design], is the correlation of years past, when kids grew up shooting, hunting and being educated on gun safety


  1. ...I can't wait for the shrieking response from the Jersey types...

    1. I actually expect Jersey to have a civil response, if he comes by to do so. So far, just the [deleted] pathetic flailing's of 'he who cries for attention'

  2. Bla bla bla. Any idiot can shoot a gun.


    1. Well, SF was certainly proven correct. It's interesting though, that one of the gun control camp....doesn't really care if firearm owners carry, shoot and maintain their firearms, to be operable in a safe manner.

      Sort of proves the gun "safety" really only = gun control theory

    2. Yes but some of us don't hold them sideways, and can actually hit what we aim at.

    3. I thought he was "within reason" and all of that. Well at the very least he has shown to be less concerned with safety and more with disarmament, just like the rest of the cabal's supporters.

    4. No, what I mean is we don't need to waste a high school course on guns. If a district wants to invite the NRA to come by and do a day in the auditorium, or a field day, where the kids get some instructions on safety, handling, and a demonstration of the havoc guns can do, that's fine. But if a kid is all that interested in guns in the first place, to take an elective class, he probably already knows enough already. There's just not that much to know. I don't even know if the NRA still does stuff like that anymore.

      It would be nice if we taught civics, and while teaching it we covered the history of the 2nd Amendment so kids don't wind up really confused about the politics of it all by the time they work for me and repeat really stupid paranoid nonsense they get form the internet.

      The problems with gun safety, unfortunately, is that there is little or no, depending on where you live, accountability for whether the gun owner applies any safety measure. Nancy Lanza, had she survived, probably would not have faced any consequences for the Sandy Hook shooting. She had guns all over the place, laying around, with a son who was a retarded psycho.

      Gun safety is an issue that can only be addressed by law. Either you are legally accountable for the disposition of your weapon or you are not. Right now, you are not. A high school elective would be a waste of precious school time.

      Besides, safety is only one issue. Distribution is the biggest problem.


    5. It would be nice if we taught civics, and while teaching it we covered the history of the 2nd Amendment so kids don't wind up really confused about the politics of it all by the time they work for me and repeat really stupid paranoid nonsense they get form the internet.

      I agree that civics are poorly covered, but discouraging the reputation of absurd meme's from the internet, would essentially put the gun control cabal out of business.

      So, to be don't see any importance in insuring that all children know what actions the should [and should not] take, if coming across a firearm?

      I have no issue with holding an owner to some level of accountability, for misuse of their firearms by another...within reason. Though according to every report I've read, the emotional framing of "guns all over the place, laying around", doesn't apply. But I'm used to your reliance on rhetorical appeals to emotion.

    6. Most people don't own guns. Most households don't have guns. And most parents don't want their kids around guns at all.

      This fixation of yours is a non sequitur.

      And bla bla bla "You're emotional" bla bla bla...

      What a sleazy argument. Knock it off with the high school low brow, will ya?


    7. So you can't offer a position that isn't emotional framed for effect, yet I have the sleazy argument?


      The Kool-aid is strong in you. This is why your side has no credibility.

    8. Its also interesting that while the gun control cabal likes to proclaim that citizens simply aren't trained enough to be able to defend themselves with a firearm.....Jersey states that there's not that much to know....anyone can shoot a gun. I wonder f he knows he's going off script.

  3. Gun "safety." Next they will try spinning it as "gun freedom," as in "freedom from guns," just like "the freedom not to be offended."

    Fortunately for us, the cabal is not terribly original and they are running into the trap of trying the same thing over again and expecting a different result.

    1. Wasn't that Einstein's definition of insanity? ;-)

    2. I must be getting old. When did they stop teaching gun safety in schools? The junior high I went to had a small bore range in the attic, both rifle and pistol teams, and firearm safety was part of PE.

    3. Viburnum: I guess it went the way of calling jr high jr high, instead of the trendy "middle school".

      I had gun safety classes, but without guns. Go figure.

  4. CI, it is time to wipe over at

    1. Truly a one-trick pony that one is.

    2. I can barely ever get your blog to load, by the way, SOL. Wish I could, I am sure there's good stuff in it.

      Maybe it is because I am using Firefox, which I do because Chrome and the Microsoft ones are limited in that they lack a search box.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Firefox and Adobe Flash do not get along. It has trouble loading in Firefox because of You-tube videos, which use Flash. I removed most of the you-tube videos from the front page to try an alleviate it but I might have to stop posting videos altogether (which is too bad because I had planned to post more Tomi Lahren videos) as 60% of my readership uses Firefox.

    5. I reduced the number of posts per page from 30 to 10. That should also help with the loading times.

  5. The problems with gun safety, unfortunately, is that there is little or no, depending on where you live, accountability for whether the gun owner applies any safety measure. Nancy Lanza, had she survived, probably would not have faced any consequences for the Sandy Hook shooting. She had guns all over the place, laying around, with a son who was a retarded psycho.

    As CI said, only to a point. Nancy was stupid to leave her guns lying around while knowing her son was messed up, so she does bear some responsibility. However, if the owner genuinely does not know the third party is a threat, then the responsibility is solely on the third party.

    Gun safety is an issue that can only be addressed by law. Either you are legally accountable for the disposition of your weapon or you are not. Right now, you are not. A high school elective would be a waste of precious school time.

    Personal responsibility, yes. But teaching gun safety in schools would go a long way toward reinforcing responsible use with guns. However, the cabal does not really care about gun safety, because they would be out of a job, without anything to campaign against and make money off of (not counting their desire for power).

    Besides, safety is only one issue. Distribution is the biggest problem.
    I still disagree here. Where there is a will, there is a way. Most guns used in crime are stolen. There needs to be more positive exposure to guns (such as the school curricula). In the early 20th century, when schools had gun classes, their own shooting ranges and shooting sports, gun crime was very rare and school shootings happened only once in a blue moon.

  6. The state of Florida has issued close to 2 million right to carry permits and there's only been a few hundred infractions (with most of those being minor). This proves to me that the vast majority of gun owners are responsible and that the solution might be found in areas other than gun control (ending the drug war, stiffer sentences for gun-related crimes, etc.).

    1. 200 of 2 million equates to 1 gun owner in 10,000 being criminal. That is a razor's edge short of universal goodness among gun owners. But the cabal will ignore that fact because facts do not matter.


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