But this is Hollywood unmasked: angry, vindictive, self-righteous, anti-Biblical. The case for same-sex marriage rests on an application of Biblical principle -- monogamy and commitment -- to actions condemned by Biblical text. For years, Hollywood was able to get away with perverting the Bible by ignoring it. But in its rush to congratulate itself for overthrowing Biblical values without a shot, Hollywood spiked the football and revealed its true agenda. And that agenda is not the agenda of tolerance for individuals, but an ugly agenda of unearned moral superiority via destruction of traditional values.Link
Apparently those-looking-to-be-offended now think that besides denying equal access to a contract that has no legal basis in the Bible, ignoring said tome is tantamount to perverting it? That's a new low for those attending Our Lady of Perpetual Victimhood. It's now not enough to live your own life in accordance with the beliefs you personally hold....you must compel all other citizens to live by those beliefs....which you cannot prove and have no legal basis in our Founding documents....
Classy Ben, real classy......