Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Military Logic and the Rebuttal



  1. Not sure how to read that..."WIN"?
    but the irony of no sparklers in housing when guys have spent a couple of years ducking REAL 'fire' is obvious.
    I hope you have a good Fourth.

    1. 'Win' and 'Fail' have entered common vernacular as synonyms for logic and idiocy. The post drew attention to the distinction that people who generally handle firearms and explosives on a near daily basis....can't be trusted with fireworks.

      I hope you have a great Independence Day too!

  2. While I continue to deplore the use of the vernacular in public discourse of even the most modest kind, I, nevertheless, applaud the sentiment behind this post.

    We must resist The Tyranny of Pusillanimity (a new phrase that occurred to me after making an effort to digest Ms Shaw's truly offensive use of one of Paul Simon's, whining, pathetic, limp-wristed utterances as an "appropriate" way to celebrate The Fourth of July.

    1. Many of the idioms in use tend to offend the intellect of those who take the effort to care, though the current era is not unique in this.

      But, I will generally concede defeat in attempting to insert Pusillanimity into normal conversation!


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